Making a Difference
Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic
Learn with us
Our 2025 seminar is still in the planning phase, but it is designed for Chiropractors and Veterinarians certified in Animal Chiropractic, and will include 20 hours of CEs, all of which will be approved by AVCA & IVCA. All presenters have been in their respective fields for more than 5 years, and are recognized experts in their topics of presentation.
Check out our previous events in our online learning portal.
MakING a Donation
Our non-profit corporation is constantly growing and we cannot do this without your support. Donations can be made at any time, in any amount. If you would like to sponsor a particular part of our event or advocate content (i.e. giveaways, newsletter, podcast, cocktail hour, etc), please use our contact us page and we will set that up for you.
Thank you again for your support.
Become an advocate
We recognize that more can be done to fill the gaps and provide additional support to certified Animal Chiropractors at all stages of their careers. For just $47 a month, members will receive exclusive access to resources, mentorship, CEs, and a network of fellow practitioners, ensuring ongoing growth and support throughout their careers.
Join us today!
Latest News
Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic Announces Strategic Expansion to Support Animal Chiropractors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE East Peoria, IL — The Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic...
What we do
Our Organization
Coming Soon!
When our board first came together, it was, as it still is, our desire to advance animal chiropractic. Although we have successfully done this by offering the largest online platform for animal chiropractic continuing education, we felt we needed to do more. Over the last several years, it has been apparent that gaps in advancement still exist and the desire to provide enhanced support for animal chiropractors worldwide has not wavered.
We are excited to announce a strategic redirection from solely offering continuing education to providing comprehensive resources that assist animal chiropractors as they complete certification and transition into practice and beyond!
Want to get involved?
Become an Advocate today to help support this effort! Click below!
About us
Certified Animal Chiropractors and advocates who provide comprehensive resources, support and continuing education opportunites to advance Animal Chiropractic worldwide.
Our non-profit corporation is constantly growing and we could not do this without your support. Donations can be made at any time, in any amount.
OuR Events
Our events provide Animal Chiropractic continuing education opportunities with a destination. Learning is more enjoyable when you have a better view.
Contact Us
We encourage you to contact us via phone, text message, or email with any questions or comments you may have about us or our resources, advocates or events.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Supporting Chiropractors, Veterinarians, Patients, Certified Providers, and certifying bodies to amplify our collective voice to strengthen the Animal Chiropractic profession.
Find a Certified Animal Chiropractor
Looking for a Certified Animal Chiropractor in your area? Click below to find a comprehensive map with Certified Animal Chiropractors that are registered with our organization. Not listed on our map, but want to be? Send us your information and we will gladly add you to our network!
Upcoming Events
OPEN - elearning portal
The LARGEST online eLearning portal for Animal Chiropractors – available online with 120+ approved CEUs
October 1, 2024
Launch of our Advocate Program
October 29, 2024 - Board member Meeting
Board Member Meeting – Finalize plans for 2025 event, update strategic redirection with new resources, prepare for AVCA conference
Animal Chiropractic Notes
How do you adjust a horse? you’re so small!
Whenever my human patients discover that I adjust animals, particularly horses, they want to know how in the world do I adjust something so big when I am so small? I obviously jump on a trampoline and do a flying elbow drop off the top ropes. Seriously though, I never thought in a million years that I would be consciously using Physics daily. Think of it, you need a specific angle for your line of drive, the speed has to be fast enough to generate the right amount of force to move the bone, and you have to stand the right distance away from the object you’re adjusting. Anyone have their Physics cheat sheets handy?!
I’ve never seen this before, but theoretically this will work.
Imagine it’s the Monday before a long weekend and your colleague calls to ask for your help with a life or death situation. You quietly pause and remind her that you are a Chiropractor and you don’t deal with these situations. She begins to tell you the story of a surrendered 12 week old kitten that was found half paralyzed in a barn that morning. Since she was the new owner and treating Veterinarian, it was her decision when to euthanize this kitten. She said you have until Friday to make this kitten walk again, otherwise she would be euthanized. No pressure; but I don’t even like cats.